I see, hear, and feel the things that are unseen, unheard, and unfelt. I tap into my super-natural born gifts and abilities easily, effortlessly, and comfortably now
- Amethyst § Chiastolite § Clear Quartz § Hematite § Lapis § Tigers Eye
- Grapevine Aura InnerG Spray§
- Meditation Smudge Stick 4" (Mountain Sage & Frankincense,Myrrh,White Copal Resin)
Metaphysical Tap In Bundle
Please shake well before use.
Aura InnerG Spray can be used for offerings, cleansing, and more and is popular among those who practice hoodoo, rootwork, and magic.
- Energetically cleanse yourself with Aura InnerG Spray by spraying it around you or putting a bit on your wrists.
- Energetically (and literally) cleanse ritual tools like crystals with your Aura InnerG spray to give them a refresh.
Can be used in similarly to Florida Water
Note: Aura InnerG Spray is flammable, so always be mindful when using it around candles.